RTU is premixed, so there is no mixing or determining formulas; simply open the container and it’s ready to apply to the skin of aircraft, vehicles, and parts.



RTU is premixed, so there is no mixing or determining formulas; simply open the container and it’s ready to apply to the skin of aircraft, vehicles, and parts.



RTU is premixed, so there is no mixing or determining formulas; simply open the container and it’s ready to apply to the skin of aircraft, vehicles, and parts.

CHEMEON eTCP® RTU (Ready to Use)

CHEMEON eTCP® RTU (Ready to Use) conversion coating and anodic seal provides superior corrosion protection and adhesion on light metals such as 2024 aluminum. RTU is premixed, so there is no mixing or determining formulas; simply open the container and it’s ready to apply to the skin of aircraft, vehicles, and parts. It provides significant environmental benefits and energy savings are obtained when used as an anodic seal. The key differentiator is the color verification for quality assurance and quality control (QA / QC) that parts are coated and protected.

CHEMEON eTCP® RTU completed formal evaluation by Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division and has met the qualification requirements for MIL-DTL-81706 Type II, Class 1A and 3, Form III, Methods A, B, and C for spray, brush, and immersion methods. It has also been added to the Qualified Products List (QPL/QPD) under QPL-81706. CHEMEON eTCP RTU is qualified for use as a Type II, Class 1A, and 3 conversion coating under MIL-DTL-5541 in accordance with MIL-DTL-81706 and QPL-81706. With a short lead time, eTCP® RTU ships quickly with no supply chain issues. CHEMEON is a vital small business, government contractor, and teaming partner to the aerospace and defense industry, prime contractors, top-tier metal finishers, and process shops.


Process: Trivalent Chromium
Applications: Chemical conversion coatings; anodized aluminum sealer; passivate and anti-tarnish.
Industry Specifications and Standards: MIL-DTL-81706 Type II, Class 1A and 3, Form III, Methods A, B and C for spray, brush, and immersion methods. Qualified Products List (QPL/QPD) under QPL-81706.
Substrates: Light metals such as 2024 aluminum.
Properties: Extended corrosion resistance; paint adhesion, electrical properties; and coating durability.
Application Method: Liquid for use in immersion, spray, and brush applications on bare aluminum or as a post-anodize seal.
Corrosion Resistance: 336h NSS bare aluminum. 3,000h+ anodized aluminum.
Temperature Exposure: Can be dried at 250°F Can be baked for hydrogen relief at 250°F for 24+h without loss of performance.
Product Advantages: Non-hexavalent chromium passivation on aluminum; Noticeable color change; Excellent bare metal corrosion protection on aluminum that is comparable to hexavalent chromium; chemistry; Produces an excellent adhesive substrate when used as a pretreatment for paint and powder coat; applications, which results in extended corrosion resistance; Can be used to re-coat stripped substrates, such as aircraft; Can be used to repair or touch-up products used in the field; Exceeds the performance requirements of MIL-DTL-81706B and MIL-DTL-5541F Type II, Form III; Class 1A and Class 3, Methods A, B, and C; Seal for anodic coatings. Sealed surfaces surpass the requirements of MIL-A-8625; U.S. Patent Number 10,533,254; eTCP RTU is a ready-to-use liquid for use in immersion, spray, and brush applications on bare aluminum or as a post anodize seal.
Industries Served: Aerospace, military/defense, automotive, medical, cookware, commercial, architectural, marine, avionics, electronics, and heavy equipment.

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