Yesterday (December 28) as I pulled into CHEMEON to begin the launch of our 10-year anniversary of chemical corrosion protection innovations/solutions for global partners, I noticed two magnificent Bald Eagles perched on a fence across from our laboratory.
Coincidentally, in addition to the launch of CHEMEON’s 10th anniversary, today also happens to be the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act which played a pivotal role in safeguarding the Bald Eagle and its habitat. One crucial aspect of this conservation effort was the ban on the pesticide DDT, a widely used chemical that had harmful effects on Bald Eagles and their ability to reproduce. The ban and switch to alternative/safer chemistries was a key part of creating a conducive environment for the Bald Eagle population to thrive.
The correlation between the Bald Eagle’s recovery and CHEMEON’s research and development efforts to replace and remove the known carcinogen, hexavalent chrome, with safer alternatives such as our latest innovation eTCP, highlights the interconnectedness of species, science, business, and ecosystems.
In essence, the recovery of the Bald Eagle population stands as a further inspiration to CHEMEON and our future endeavors to innovate and develop alternatives that continue to remove toxic chemicals from the environment.
Happy New Year to all and keep an “eagle eye” out for more to come as we celebrate 10 years of innovation.